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Is there a catch?

No. All it takes to start your account is your work email address and a few other pieces of information. We don't even ask for your credit card.

Do I have to worry about you selling my email or data?

No. Your contact information and private data are yours and yours alone. They're safe with us. We'll email you about product and company updates, but you can opt out at any time. Learn more about our Privacy Policy.

I have other questions! How can I get in touch with TrainCaster?

Feel free to get in touch. We'll be happy to clarify anything, or just help you get up & running with your new account. We're also happy to schedule a demo at your convenience!

How can I speak with someone from your sales team?

Our sales team is here to help you anythime. We're looking forward to talking with you about your online training needs!

I'd like to get pricing info for my organization. How can I do that?

We are happy to give you a quote based on your needs. We need a bit more information - like the # of trainees you'll be managing. Our subscription software is priced on a sliding scale based on the # of users. It is all-inclusive - never any additional fees!